CS 633 Computation Geometry

Course Webpage

Time & Location

Instructor: Jyh-Ming Lien
Office hour: Thur. 4 - 6 pm

Course Scope

CS633 is an introductory course to Computational Geometry. Computational Geometry is a study of algorithms and data structures for geometric objects. One important goal of CS633 is to make you become knowledgeable and comfortable enough to deal with any geometric problems.


Required Textbook

Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications by Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Cheong, third revised edition, Springer-Verlag, 2000. ISBN # 3-540-65620-0.


  1. Assignments 50%: There will be homework assignments, programming assignments, and paper review assignments.
  2. Quizzes/Mid term Exam 20%
  3. Project presentations (proposal and final) 15%
  4. Final project report 15%
  5. Bonus: Contests, seminar presentations, etc

List of Topics


All required assignments should be completed by the stated due date and time. The total score of your assignment score will be 20 points less every extra day after the due date (i.e., the 100 total points will become zero after 5 days pass the due date).

Please note that all coursework is to be done independently. Plagiarizing the homework will be penalized by maximum negative credit and cheating on the exam will earn you an F in the course. See the GMU Honor Code System and Policies at this page and this page. You are encouraged to discuss the material BEFORE you do the assignment. As a part of the interaction you can discuss a meaning of the question or possible ways of approaching the solution. The homework should be written strictly by yourself. In case your solution is based on the important idea of someone else please acknowledge that in your solution, to avoid any accusations.

The quiz and exam will be a closed book exam - no notes will be allowed.