Package ec.util

Class Code


public class Code extends Object
Code provides some simple wrapper functions for encoding and decoding basic data types for storage in a pseudo-Java source code strings format. This differs from just "printing" them to string in that the actual precision of the object is maintained. Code attempts to keep the representations as "Java-like" as possible -- the exceptions being primarily floats and doubles, which are encoded as ints and longs. Encoding of objects and arrays is not supported. You'll have to handle that yourself. Strings are supported.

Everything is case-SENSITIVE. Here's the breakdown.

booleantrue or false (old style, case sensitive) or T or F (new style, case sensitive)
floatffloatConvertedToIntForStorage|humanReadableFloat| or (only for reading in) f|humanReadableFloat|
floatddoubleConvertedToLongForStorage|humanReadableDouble| or (only for reading in) d|humanReadableDouble|
charstandard Java char, except that the only valid escape sequences are: \0 \t \n \b \' \" \ u unicodeHex
stringstandard Java string with \ u ...\ u Unicode escapes, except that the only other valid escape sequences are: \0 \t \n \b \' \"
  • Constructor Details

    • Code

      public Code()
  • Method Details

    • encode

      public static String encode(boolean b)
      Encodes a boolean.
    • encode

      public static String encode(byte b)
      Encodes a byte.
    • encode

      public static String encode(char c)
      Encodes a character.
    • encode

      public static String encode(short s)
      Encodes a short.
    • encode

      public static String encode(int i)
      Encodes an int.
    • encode

      public static String encode(long l)
      Encodes a long.
    • encode

      public static String encode(float f)
      Encodes a float.
    • encode

      public static String encode(double d)
      Encodes a double.
    • encode

      public static String encode(String s)
      Encodes a String.
    • decode

      public static void decode(DecodeReturn d)
      Decodes the next item out of a DecodeReturn and modifies the DecodeReturn to hold the results. See DecodeReturn for more explanations about how to interpret the results.
    • checkPreamble

      public static DecodeReturn checkPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, then trims the line and checks the preamble. Returns a DecodeReturn on the line if successful, else posts a fatal error. Sets the DecodeReturn's line number. The DecodeReturn has not yet been decoded. You'll need to do that with Code.decode(...)
    • readStringWithPreamble

      public static String readStringWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a string if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readCharacterWithPreamble

      public static char readCharacterWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a character if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readByteWithPreamble

      public static byte readByteWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a byte if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readShortWithPreamble

      public static short readShortWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a short if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readLongWithPreamble

      public static long readLongWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a long if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readIntegerWithPreamble

      public static int readIntegerWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in an integer if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readFloatWithPreamble

      public static float readFloatWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a float if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readDoubleWithPreamble

      public static double readDoubleWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a double if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.
    • readBooleanWithPreamble

      public static boolean readBooleanWithPreamble(String preamble, ec.EvolutionState state, LineNumberReader reader)
      Finds the next nonblank line, skips past an expected preamble, and reads in a boolean value ("true" or "false") if there is one, and returns it. Generates an error otherwise.