ALAg Digest Policies

1) Privacy.

The ALAg Digest email addresses will not be redistributed.

2) Advertisements.

It is the policy of ALAg Digest to not allow advertisements per se, although a simple announcement of a new product or service is allowed. The announcement should have a brief description of the product or service, and a contact point for those that are interested.

ALAg Digest will allow conference announcements and job positions to be posted if relevant to adaptive and learning agents.

3) Second hand requests.

The ALAg Digest moderators will not honor subscribe requests that are not from that person.

4) Subscriber-only submissions.

The ALAg Digest accepts submissions only from members subscribed to the list.

5) Call for Papers.

ALAg Digest Etiquette and Protocol

1) Copying ALAg Digest.

Permission is granted to copy ALAg Digest digests (or parts thereof) for research purposes, as long as these copies are not sold. If you wish to sell copies (or parts thereof), you must obtain permission of the current moderators and all submitters of that material.

2) Protocol.

The ALAg Digest is a forum for informal discussion. Individual submissions (or parts thereof) should not be quoted and cited in text without the permission of the author. If you include private email from another person, please obtain permission from that person.

3) Patience. 

ALAg Digest receives a lot of mail, which has to be sifted through carefully. You may see a few digests appear before your message shows up. This happens because the backlog can be large, and because not all topics have the same priority. We urge submitters to be aware of dates, and not send items at the last minute.

4) Appropriateness and Attention to Detail.

All submissions to ALAg Digest should directly pertain to the field of adaptive and learning agents, be in good taste, and be as concise as possible. We prefer not to perform stylistic editing, so please take the time to format your message neatly using a 80 column page. Please also avoid using dashes as separators since we use them to separate submissions.

Also, please be careful to send messages to the correct email address as follows:

For information on how to subscribe, unsubscribe and other administrative requests please go to our instructions page.

For those of you who have a change of email address, please give both your new and OLD address, so we can delete the old address from our database.

ALAg Digest Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: The accuracy of the information as well as the opinions posted on the ALAg-Digest is solely the responsibility of the corresponding author(s) of each post. The author(s) should be contacted for any further correction, verification or rectification of the information they posted. The ALAg-Digest's moderators do not necessarily endorse these opinions and in no way validate this information. The ALAg-Digest is only a vehicle for communication among the members of the adaptive and learning agents community and it is not responsible in any way for any damage or loss due to the use or misuse of the information posted in the ALAg-Digests.