CS 425: Game Programming I

Instructor: Yotam Gingold


This course provides an introduction to programming techniques used in modern computer games and game engines. Students will gain the knowledge and experience needed to build games, simulations, and other interactive media.

This course is a requirement of the ACS Game Design degree and can be used as a Senior CS Elective for the BS CS degree.

Textbook (recommended):

Game Engine Architecture, Third Edition, by Jason Gregory (ISBN 978-1138035454). GMU students have full access to the e-book.

Topics (tentative):

  1. Game engines, pipelines, and tools
  2. C++
  3. Asset creation, modification, conversion, and management
  4. Event handling and input devices
  5. GPU Rendering
  6. Physics and collision detection
  7. Sound
  8. Animation
  9. Game AI


Course Outcomes:

  1. Become familiar with advanced techniques used in object-oriented programming
  2. Realize the manner with which the graphics pipeline may be utilized to create animations, games, and simulations
  3. Utilize mathematical abilities to create optimal algorithms
  4. Exhibit skills that demonstrate understanding of physics simulations
  5. Realize appropriate techniques for maximizing code reuse
  6. Experience employing a variety of data structures and algorithms

Honor Code:

GMU is an Honor Code university; please see the Office for Academic Integrity for a full description of the code and the honor committee process, and the Computer Science Department's Honor Code Policies regarding programming assignments. The principle of academic integrity is taken very seriously and violations are treated gravely. What does academic integrity mean in this course? Essentially this: when you are responsible for a task, you will perform that task. When you rely on someone else's work in an aspect of the performance of that task, you will give full credit in the proper, accepted form. Another aspect of academic integrity is the free play of ideas. Vigorous discussion and debate are encouraged in this course, with the firm expectation that all aspects of the class will be conducted with civility and respect for differing ideas, perspectives, and traditions. When in doubt (of any kind) please ask for guidance and clarification.

Accommodations for Disabilities:

If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) make sure this documentation is on file with Disability Services (https://ds.gmu.edu; ods@gmu.edu; +1-703-993-2474; SUB I Suite 2500) to determine the accommodations you need; and 2) talk with me to discuss your accommodation needs.


Students must use their GMU email account to receive important University information, including messages related to this class. See https://mail.gmu.edu for more information.


This class seeks to create a learning environment that fosters respect for people across identities. We welcome and value individuals and their differences, including gender expression and identity, race, economic status, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, national origin, first language, religion, age and ability. We encourage all members of the learning environment to engage with the material personally, but to also be open to exploring and learning from experiences different than their own.

This class abides by the GMU anti-racism statement.

Nouns and Pronouns

If you wish, please share your name and gender pronouns with me and how best to address you in class and via email. I use he/him/his for myself. You may address me as Prof. Gingold in email and verbally.

Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Interpersonal Violence

As a faculty member and designated “Responsible Employee,” I am required to report all disclosures of sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking to Mason’s Title IX Coordinator per university policy 1412. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, please contact the Student Support and Advocacy Center (+1-703-380-1434) or Counseling and Psychological Services (+1-703-993-2380). You may also seek assistance from Mason’s Title IX Coordinator (+1-703-993-8730; titleix@gmu.edu).

Other useful campus resources: