Summer 2009
George Mason University
Computer Science Department
INFS 614: Database Management
Prof. Ami Motro
This graduate course is an introductory course in the area of databases, with
a focus on database models and languages. Topics to be covered
include: data modeling with the Entity-Relationship model, the relational data
model and its formal languages, SQL, and the theory of database design,
Note: the advanced database course
INFS-760 : Advanced Database Management, is suggested for students who
have completed INFS-614 and are interested in issues of databse systems
INFS 501, INFS 515, INFS 590, SWE 510. Specifically, good background in
discrete mathematics (e.g., set theory and mathematical logic), programming
(good knowledge of either C, C++ or Java), data structures and algorithms, and
computer architecture and operating systems.
Note: prerequisites are strictly enforced!
Two exams and five homework assignments, including computer work
(approximate weights are indicated in parenthesis):
Homework assignments (30%)
Midterm exam (30%)
Final exam (40%)