Baking Cookies-Step 1

To see what your web page should look like when you've completed step 1, Click here.

Log in and move into your public_html directory:
cd public_html
Use pico to create the following file. For help with pico, Click here
pico cookie.html

        <TITLE>Cookie Monster!</TITLE>

                <!-- Hide script from older browsers
                alert("This page uses cookies!")
                //end hiding script -->


<center><h2>A Simple Cookie created with JavaScript</h2></center>
<B>Privacy Notice:</B>  Information entered on this page will
be stored in a cookie that will persist for 6 months. 
This is a class assignment for IT 108.
This page &#169 2002 by Your Name

You'll need to make this page readable by typing:
chmod a+r cookie.html

Launch a web browser and check your web page. This will be the url:

If there are errors, edit the file with pico and make corrections. Can you see what each line in the file is doing?

Click here to return to the cookie lab
Click here to return to the IT 108 main page

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