Lab 1, Part II

Baking Cookies with JavaScript


Create a html file that asks for the user's name in a form and saves the name in a "cookie" (a file on the hard drive). "Alert" the user that the browser will be saving a cookie and include a "privacy statement" on your web page as follows:
Privacy Statement: This web page will save the name entered by the user in a cookie that will persist for 6 months. This is a class assignment only.

Click here for a sample execution.
(Note: When the form appears, enter your name, but don't press the enter key. Just move the mouse and click somewhere else on the page. If you have run it once before, you may need to press reload before your name will appear. The cookie may behave differently on Netscape and Internet Explorer.)


Getting Started: Divide and Conquer!

To make this problem more manageable, you will divide it into 3 main parts (top-down design). You will then implement and test each part individually (stepwise refinement).

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