Baking Cookies-Step 2

Next, you will add the code to create the form and write the cookie. To see what the page will look like when you are done, click here.

The code is given below.

        <TITLE>Cookie Monster!</TITLE>

                <!-- Hide script from older browsers
                alert("This page uses cookies!")
                //The lines below set the expiration date for the cookie
                expireDate= new Date

                //This line initialized userName to NULL (nothing)

                // != means NOT EQUAL, so if there was a previous value
                //for userName, we read it in from the cookie file
                if(document.cookie!="") {
                //the code below writes the cookie
                function setCookie(){
                //end hiding script -->


<BODY BGCOLOR="WHITE" onLoad="document.myForm.nameField.value=userName">

<center><h2>A Simple Cookie created with JavaScript</h2></center>
<B>Privacy Notice:</B>  Information entered on this page will
be stored in a cookie that will persist for 6 months. 
This is a class assignment for IT 108.
<FORM NAME="myForm"> <!--This creates the form-->
        <H3>Enter your name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="nameField"
        <!--the cookie is written when you leave the form-->
This page &#169 2002 by Your Name

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