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Updated: 8 years 30 weeks ago

Planetary science: A balmy climate on exoplanets?

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Planetary science: A balmy climate on exoplanets?

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525429a

Certain planets outside our Solar System could have wind patterns that produce habitable climates.Ludmila Carone at the University of Leuven in Belgium and her team used climate models to investigate atmospheric temperatures and wind patterns on planets with Earth-like atmospheres. The chosen planets closely

Categories: Journal Articles

Plant ecology: Orchid shapes trick male insects

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Plant ecology: Orchid shapes trick male insects

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525429b

Orchids have adapted the shape of their flowers to attract pollinating wasps.These flowering plants lure male insect pollinators by producing chemicals that mimic the pheromones of their female counterparts, but the effect of flower shape on pollinators has been unclear. To look at this,

Categories: Journal Articles

Agriculture: Ecological impact of crops drops

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Agriculture: Ecological impact of crops drops

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525429c

The environmental impact of maize (corn) and cotton crops on US freshwater ecosystems has been decreasing over the past decade, mainly because of the use of genetically modified plants that require less added pesticide.Sangwon Suh and Yi Yang at the University of California, Santa

Categories: Journal Articles

Genetics: How Inuit genomes have adapted

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Genetics: How Inuit genomes have adapted

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525429d

The genomes of indigenous people in Greenland (pictured) show how they have adapted to thousands of years of frigid temperatures and a diet that is rich in fatty seafood.Rasmus Nielsen at the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues analysed the genomes

Categories: Journal Articles

The week in science: 18–24 September 2015

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

The week in science: 18–24 September 2015

Nature 525, 7570 (2015).

Volkswagen caught up in emissions scandal; crowdfunding to sequence the beaver; and Australia gets new science minister.

Categories: Journal Articles

Lost generation looms as refugees miss university

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Lost generation looms as refugees miss university

Nature 525, 7570 (2015).

Author: Declan Butler

Educational void risks hampering reconstruction in Middle East.

Categories: Journal Articles

Brain stimulation in children spurs hope — and concern

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Brain stimulation in children spurs hope — and concern

Nature 525, 7570 (2015).

Author: Linda Geddes

Treatment of developing brains offers greater scope for improvement but also intensifies risks.

Categories: Journal Articles

The hidden risks for ‘three-person’ babies

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

The hidden risks for ‘three-person’ babies

Nature 525, 7570 (2015).

Author: Garry Hamilton

The powerhouses of the cell may have more roles than expected. Could that generate problems for mitochondrial replacement therapies?

Categories: Journal Articles

Energy: Reimagine fuel cells

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Energy: Reimagine fuel cells

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525447a

Author: John P. Lemmon

Combine energy generation and storage to ensure that networks remain robust as more renewable technologies are adopted, urge John P. Lemmon.

Categories: Journal Articles

Military science: Inventions of war

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Military science: Inventions of war

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525451a

Author: Ann Finkbeiner

Ann Finkbeiner assesses a study of DARPA, the agency that readies US technologies for coming conflicts.

Categories: Journal Articles

Space travel: When Soviets ruled the great beyond

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Space travel: When Soviets ruled the great beyond

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525452a

Author: Tim Radford

Tim Radford is thrilled by an unprecedented exhibition marking the USSR's cold war feats in space.

Categories: Journal Articles

Theatre: Lab's labour's lost

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Theatre: Lab's labour's lost

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525454a

Author: Philip Ball

Philip Ball appraises Nicole Kidman's stage turn as crystallographer Rosalind Franklin.

Categories: Journal Articles

Middle East: Popular uprising spreads science

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Middle East: Popular uprising spreads science

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525455a

Authors: Muath Alduhishy & Mouhannad Malek

Hundreds of young Arab people are establishing initiatives to promote science in Arabic and raise scientific literacy across the Middle East, free of the censorship and bureaucracy of government and religious authorities (see Nature Middle East; 2015).They are publishing and translating

Categories: Journal Articles

Amateur scientists: Citizen projects can minimize conflicts

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Amateur scientists: Citizen projects can minimize conflicts

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525455b

Author: James W. Pearce-Higgins

Well-structured schemes for citizen scientists can minimize the potential for conflicts of interest (Nature524, 265;10.1038/524265a2015).Projects such as the UK Breeding Bird Survey (, run by the British Trust for Ornithology, use volunteer-friendly protocols and specify

Categories: Journal Articles

Carbon: Resolve ambiguities in China's emissions

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Carbon: Resolve ambiguities in China's emissions

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525455c

Author: Fei Teng

As the former chair of the Consultative Group of Experts organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to help developing countries to produce carbon-emission inventories, I question the claim that China's emissions from coal have been overestimated (see Nature524,

Categories: Journal Articles

China: Overhaul rules for hazardous chemicals

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

China: Overhaul rules for hazardous chemicals

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525455d

Authors: Zhenwu Tang, Qifei Huang & Yufei Yang

The huge chemical explosion at the Chinese port of Tianjin on 12 August is another in the country's long list of industrial accidents involving chemicals. In 2010–14, more than 2,000 people were killed in 326 such accidents (J. Ren and Y. Mu Chem. Enterp.

Categories: Journal Articles

Beijing 2022: Olympics will make water scarcity worse

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Beijing 2022: Olympics will make water scarcity worse

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525455e

Authors: Hong Yang, Julian R. Thompson & Roger J. Flower

The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing threaten to seriously exacerbate water shortages in the area, where the available water per person is already only about 3% of the world's average (see also Nature524, 278–279;10.1038/nature.2015.181742015).The Winter Olympics

Categories: Journal Articles

Creative writing: A world of pure imagination

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Creative writing: A world of pure imagination

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/nj7570-553a

Author: Roberta Kwok

The creative process of writing science-inspired fiction can be rewarding — and the untapped niche is rich in opportunities for originality.

Categories: Journal Articles

Trade talk: Medical liaison

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Trade talk: Medical liaison

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/nj7570-555a

Author: Monya Baker

David Crosby describes how he moved from basic research to doing outreach to healthcare providers.

Categories: Journal Articles

Coin-operated dancer

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:00

Coin-operated dancer

Nature 525, 7570 (2015). doi:10.1038/525558a

Author: James Reinebold

The show must go on.

Categories: Journal Articles