Package sim.display

Class Console

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants, Controller

public class Console extends JFrame implements Controller
Console is an elaborate Controller which provides a variety of GUI niceties to control the basics of a simulation. Most significantly it provides:
  • Playing, stopping, pausing, stepping, and various associated controls
  • View of the current time and frame rate
  • Control of the random number generator
  • An HTML "page" of information about the model
  • Loading and saving checkpointed simulations, and starting new simulation classes
  • Hiding and showing simulation displays
  • Storage for inspectors

Console maintains the underlying play thread of the model, and handles much of the complexities that come with doing threads.

When you create new simulations (by frobbing the "New Simulation..." menu), you're presented with a ComboBox. Here you can type in any simulation class you like, or you can pick from a collection of pre-defined classes. The pre-defined class names are stored in the text file "simulation.classes", located in the same directory as the Console.class file. Feel free to edit it.

While normally you'd start a MASON application by running a main() method created by the developer, you can also fire up the Console directly and pick a model from the aforementioned ComboBox. To do this, simply run java sim.display.Console

If you attach a Frame to the Console, it will appear in the Console's "Displays" tab, where the user has control over hiding and showing various frames. The best time to do such attaching is during your GUIState's init() method. Such Frames should be set to hide (not dispose) when closed. JFrames do this by default.

Console places itself on-screen using the following rule. First it moves itself to an unusual location (presently -10000 x -10000). Then it calls init() on your GUIState. If in init() you move the Console to a position, then that's where it will stay. If not, then the Console looks up all the Frames attached to it during init() and places itself to the right of the rightmost such Frame, if there is room on the main display. If not, then Console puts itself in its default position (typically the top left corner of the screeen).

Console generates a mammoth number of anonymous subclasses. Well, such is life with a complicated GUI I guess. Don't be daunted by them -- almost all of them are little tiny things like Runnables to pass into SwingUtilities.invokeLater() or various anonymous listeners and adapters for buttons and text fields etc.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Console

      public Console(GUIState simulation)
      Creates a Console, using the default initial start behavior (INITIAL_BEHAVIOR_START). Sets the simulation's controller to point to this Console.
  • Method Details

    • getSimulation

      public GUIState getSimulation()
    • setNewMenuAllowed

      public void setNewMenuAllowed(boolean val)
    • isNewMenuAllowed

      public boolean isNewMenuAllowed()
    • setSaveMenuAllowed

      public void setSaveMenuAllowed(boolean val)
    • isSaveMenuAllowed

      public boolean isSaveMenuAllowed()
    • setOpenMenuAllowed

      public void setOpenMenuAllowed(boolean val)
    • isOpenMenuAllowed

      public boolean isOpenMenuAllowed()
    • iconFor

      public static ImageIcon iconFor(String name)
      Returns icons for a given filename, such as "NotPlaying.png". A utility function.
    • setShouldRepeat

      public void setShouldRepeat(boolean val)
      Set whether or not the simualtion should repeat when the stop button is pressed.
    • getShouldRepeat

      public boolean getShouldRepeat()
      Get whether or not the simualtion should repeat when the stop button is pressed.
    • setThreadPriority

      public void setThreadPriority(int val)
      We may eliminate thread priority as an option
      Set the thread priority.
    • getThreadPriority

      public int getThreadPriority()
      We may eliminate thread priority as an option
      Gets the thread priority.
    • setWhenShouldEnd

      public void setWhenShouldEnd(long val)
      Set when the simulation should end.
    • getWhenShouldEnd

      public long getWhenShouldEnd()
      Get when the simulation should end.
    • setWhenShouldPause

      public void setWhenShouldPause(long val)
      Sets when the simulation should pause.
    • getWhenShouldPause

      public long getWhenShouldPause()
      Get when the simulation should pause.
    • setWhenShouldEndTime

      public void setWhenShouldEndTime(double val)
      Set when the simulation should end.
    • getWhenShouldEndTime

      public double getWhenShouldEndTime()
      Get when the simulation should end.
    • setWhenShouldPauseTime

      public void setWhenShouldPauseTime(double val)
      Sets when the simulation should pause.
    • getWhenShouldPauseTime

      public double getWhenShouldPauseTime()
      Get when the simulation should pause.
    • setPlaySleep

      public void setPlaySleep(long sleep)
      Sets (in milliseconds) how long we should sleep between each step in the play thread. Must be a value >= 0, else it will be set to 0.
    • getPlaySleep

      public long getPlaySleep()
      Gets how long we should sleep between each step in the play thread (in milliseconds).
    • getPlayState

      public int getPlayState()
      Gets whether or not the current thread is PS_PLAYING, PS_STOPPED, or PS_PAUSED.
    • getTabPane

      public JTabbedPane getTabPane()
      Simulations can call this to get access to the tabPane -- to add tabbed panes as they like.
    • getModelInspector

      public Inspector getModelInspector()
      Return the model inspector so simulations can do things like updating the properties.
    • doQuit

      public static void doQuit()
      Quits the program. Called by the Quit menu option.
    • doClose

      public void doClose()
      Closes the Console and shuts down the simulation. Quits the program only if other simulations are not running in the same program. Called when the user clicks on the close button of the Console, or during a program-wide doQuit() process. Can also be called programmatically.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Pops up a window allowing the user to enter in a class name to start a new simulation.
    • doAbout

      protected void doAbout()
    • doNew

      public void doNew()
      Pops up a window allowing the user to enter in a class name to start a new simulation.
    • doSaveAs

      public void doSaveAs()
      Lets the user checkpoint out a simulation to a file with a given name.
    • doSave

      public void doSave()
      Lets the user checkpoint out a simulation to the last checkpoint filename.
    • doSweep

      public void doSweep()
    • isOptimizeInstalled

      public boolean isOptimizeInstalled()
    • doOptimize

      public void doOptimize()
    • doOpen

      public void doOpen()
      Reverts the current simulation to the simulation stored at a user-specified checkpoint filename.
    • getAllFrames

      public ArrayList getAllFrames()
      Returns a list of all displays. You own the resulting list and can do what you like with it.
      Specified by:
      getAllFrames in interface Controller
    • showAllFrames

      public void showAllFrames()
      Shows and brings to front all JFrames registered with the Console. Note that this method should probably only be called from within the Swing event thread.
    • hideAllFrames

      public void hideAllFrames()
      Hides all JFrames registered with the Console. Note that this method should probably only be called from within the Swing event thread.
    • setRequiresConfirmationToStop

      public void setRequiresConfirmationToStop(boolean val)
    • getRequiresConfirmationToStop

      public boolean getRequiresConfirmationToStop()
    • setIncrementSeedOnPlay

      public void setIncrementSeedOnPlay(boolean val)
      renamed to setIncrementSeedOnStop
    • getIncrementSeedOnPlay

      public boolean getIncrementSeedOnPlay()
      renamed to getIncrementSeedOnStop
    • setIncrementSeedOnStop

      public void setIncrementSeedOnStop(boolean val)
    • getIncrementSeedOnStop

      public boolean getIncrementSeedOnStop()
    • pressStop

      public void pressStop()
      Called when the user presses the stop button. You can call this as well to simulate the same.
    • pressPause

      public void pressPause()
      Called when the user presses the pause button. You can call this as well to simulate the same. Keep in mind that pause is a toggle.
    • getNumStepsPerStepButtonPress

      public int getNumStepsPerStepButtonPress()
    • setNumStepsPerStepButtonPress

      public void setNumStepsPerStepButtonPress(int val)
      Sets the number of steps per stepp button press. The value must be > 0. If not, it will be set to 1.
    • pressPlay

      public void pressPlay()
      Called when the user presses the play button. You can call this as well to simulate the same. Keep in mind that play will change to step if pause is down.
    • getStepsPerSecond

      public double getStepsPerSecond()
      Returns the frame rate. If val is invalid input: '<'= 0, then the frame rate is presently unknown.
    • registerFrame

      public boolean registerFrame(JFrame frame)
      Simulations can call this to add a frame to be listed in the "Display list" of the console
      Specified by:
      registerFrame in interface Controller
    • unregisterFrame

      public boolean unregisterFrame(JFrame frame)
      Simulations can call this to remove a frame from the "Display list" of the console
      Specified by:
      unregisterFrame in interface Controller
    • unregisterAllFrames

      public boolean unregisterAllFrames()
      Simulations can call this to clear out the "Display list" of the console
      Specified by:
      unregisterAllFrames in interface Controller
    • doChangeCode

      public void doChangeCode(Runnable r)
      Description copied from interface: Controller
      This method will interrupt the simulation (pause it), call your runnable, then continue (uninterrupt) the simulation. This allows you to guarantee a way to change the model from a separate thread -- for example, the Swing event thread -- in a synchronous, blocking fashion.

      You have other options for updating the model from external threads. One option is to add a Steppable to GUIState's scheduleImmediate(...) queue. When the Steppable is stepped, it will be done so inside the model's thread. This is asynchronous (non-blocking), however.

      Alternatively, you can synchronize on state.schedule and run your code. This is synchronous.

      Specified by:
      doChangeCode in interface Controller
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
      Description copied from interface: Controller
      Lazily updates and redraws all the displays and inspectors. Do not call this method from the model thread -- only from the Swing event thread. This is an expensive procedure and should not be done unless necessary. Typically it's done in response to some event (a button press etc.) rather than in the model itself.
      Specified by:
      refresh in interface Controller
    • setInspectors

      public void setInspectors(Bag inspectors, Bag names)
      Adds new inspectors to the Console's list, given the provided inspectors, their portrayals, and appropriate names for them. These bags must match in size, else an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      setInspectors in interface Controller
    • registerInspector

      public void registerInspector(Inspector inspector, Stoppable stopper)
      Registers an inspector to be Stopped if necessary in the future. This automatically happens if you call setInspectors(...).
      Specified by:
      registerInspector in interface Controller
    • getAllInspectors

      public ArrayList getAllInspectors()
      Returns a list of all current inspectors. Some of these inspectors may be stored in the Console itself, and others may have been dragged out into their own JFrames. You will need to distinguish between these two on your own. Note that some of these inspectors are stored as weak keys in the Console, so holding onto this list will prevent them from getting garbage collected. As a result, you should only use this list for temporary scans.
      Specified by:
      getAllInspectors in interface Controller
    • stopAllInspectors

      public void stopAllInspectors(boolean killDraggedOutWindowsToo)
      Stops all inspectors. If killDraggedOutWindowsToo is true, then the detatched inspectors are stopped as well. Updates all inspectors once as well for good measure prior to stopping some.
    • removeAllInspectors

      public void removeAllInspectors(boolean killDraggedOutWindowsToo)
      Stops and removes all inspectors. If killDraggedOutWindowsToo is true, then all inspector windows will be closed; else only the inspectors presently embedded in the console will be stopped and removed.