John S. Gero




  1. Gero, JS (ed.) (2002) Artificial Intelligence in Design'02, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 642.
  2. Gero, JS and Brazier, F (eds) (2002) Agents in Design 2002, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Australia, 279pp.

Journal Papers

  1. Kavakli, M and Gero, JS (2002) The structure of concurrent cognitive actions: A case study of novice and expert designers, Design Studies 23(1): 25-40. pdf


Conference Papers

  1. Gero, JS (2002) Towards a theory of designing as situated acts,International Conference on the Sciences of Design, Lyon (un-numbered).
  2. Gero, JS (2002) Categorising technological knowledge from a design methodological perspective, International Conference on Technological Knowledge: Philosophical Reflections (un-numbered)
  3. Gero, JS (2002) Advances in IT for building design, in M Anson, J Ko and E Lam (eds), Advances in Building Technology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 47-54. pdf
  4. Gero, JS (2002) Computational models of creative designing based on situated cognition, in T Hewett and T Kavanagh (eds), Creativity and Cognition 2002, ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 3-10. pdf
  5. Gero, JS and Jupp, J (2002) Measuring the information content of architectural plans, in PL Hippolyte and E Miralles (eds), SIGraDi Caracas 2002, Ediciones Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, pp. 155-158. pdf
  6. Gero, JS and Kannengiesser, U (2002) The situated function-behaviour-structure framework, in JS Gero (ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Design'02, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 89-104. pdf
  7. Gero, JS and Kannengiesser, U (2002) Towards agent-based product modelling, in Borg, JC and Farrugia, P (eds), Knowledge Intensive CAD 5, University of Malta, pp185-198.
  8. Gero, JS and Kazakov, V (2002) Complexity measures of design drawings and their application, ICCCBE-X,Taiwan (pdf)
  9. Gero, JS and Sosa, R (2002) Creative design situations, in Eshaq, A, Khong, C, Neo, K, Neo, M and Ahmad, S (eds), CAADRIA2002, Prentice Hall, New York, pp. 191-198. pdf
  10. Gero, JS and Sosa, R (2002) Creative individuals or creative situations, in PL Hippolyte and E Miralles (eds), SIGraDi Caracas 2002, Ediciones Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, pp.31-34. pdf
  11. Kannengiesser, U and Gero, JS (2002) Situated agent communication for design, in JS Gero and F Brazier (eds), Agents in Design 2002, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 85-94. pdf
  12. Liew, P-K and Gero, JS (2002) A memory system for a situated design agent based on constructive memory, in Eshaq, A, Khong, C, Neo, K, Neo, M and Ahmad, S (eds), CAADRIA2002, Prentice Hall, New York, pp. 199-206. pdf
  13. Liew, P and Gero, JS (2002) An implementation model of constructive memory for a situated design agent, in JS Gero and F Brazier (eds), Agents in Design 2002, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Australia, pp.257-276. pdf
  14. Maher, ML and Gero, JS (2002) Agent models of 3D virtual worlds, ACADIA 2002: Thresholds, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, pp 127-138. pdf
  15. Saunders, R and Gero, JS (2002) Curious agents and situated design evaluations, in JS Gero and F Brazier (eds), Agents in Design 2002, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 133-149. pdf
  16. Saunders, R and Gero, JS (2002) How to study artificial creativity, in T Hewett and T Kavanagh (eds), Creativity and Cognition 2002, ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 80-87. pdf
  17. Smith, G and Gero, JS (2002) Interaction and experience: Situated agents and sketching, in JS Gero and F Brazier (eds), Agents in Design 2002, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 115-132. pdf
  18. Sosa, R and Gero, JS (2002) Cellular automata models of creative design situations, in JS Gero and F Brazier (eds), Agents in Design 2002, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 165-180. pdf
  19. Tang, H-H and Gero, JS (2002) A cognitive method to measure potential creativity in designing, in C Bento, A Cardoso and G Wiggins (eds) Workshop 17 - Creative Systems: Approaches to Creativity in AI and Cognitive Science, ECAI-02, Lyon, pp. 47-54. pdf
  20. Tang, H-H and Gero, JS (2002) Inter-linkages in the design process: a holistic view towards design knowledge and sketches, in Durling, D and Shackleton, J (eds), Design Research Society Conference '02, Brunel University, London, p163.


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