SWE 510 Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Fall 2010
Muhammad Abdulla
General Information | Textbooks | Schedule & Notes | Projects | Policies
Homework Grading Policies

   These are only general guidelines for homework grading. Actual grading 
   criteria may change without notice. However, the same criteria will be
   used for all of the students in the same way.

   1. If your program cannot be built (compiled) at all, no points will be given.
   2. If your program terminates abnormally, even once, we will take off 10%.
   3. If your program does not fit the homework description, we will take off 
      points anywhere between 1% to 100%.
   4. Late submissions lose 10% per day.

Date & Time
bullet (EST)
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© 2008-2010 Muhammad Abdulla
Last Modified: Sept. 2, 2010