SWE 510 Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Fall 2010
Muhammad Abdulla
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BulletLecture Notes and Course Schedule

  Date   Topic Assigned Readings / Assignment(s) Due   Notes   
Sept. 2 Logistics, Introduction Chapter 1
Sept. 9 Basic Concepts Chapter 4
Sept. 16 Basic Concepts (cont'd) Chapters 4, 5 introduction Basics (2/2)
Sept. 23 Flow of Control, Console I/O Chapter 3
flow of control console IO
Homework 1 due Oct. 7.
Sept. 30 Arrays Chapter 6 Arrays
Oct. 7 Inheritance Chapter 7
flow of control
Oct. 14 Polymorphism, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces Chapters 8 & 13 polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces
Oct. 21 Midterm Exam All the contents through Oct. 14.
Oct. 28 Exception Handling Chapter 9
Exception handling
Homework 2 due Nov. 11.
Nov. 4 File I/O Chapter 10 File I/O
Homework 3 due Nov. 18.
Nov. 11 Recursion Chapter 11
Nov. 18 Collections and Iterators Chapter 16 collections and iterators
Homework 4 due Dec. 2.
Nov. 25 Thanksgiving Recess
Dec. 2 Introduction to Database, Web, and Network Programming jdbc, web, net, gui
Dec. 9 Semester Review
Dec. 16 Final Exam All the content covered during the semester.

Note: Slides courtesy of Dr. Moataz Ahmed.
Date & Time
bullet (EST)
What is New?
Homework 4 is out.
© 2008-2010 Muhammad Abdulla
Last Modified: Sept. 2, 2010