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BulletNS2 Related Software

Author: Muhammad Abdulla
NS2 implementation of common delay tolerant network (DTN) routing schemes, including Direct Transmission, Source Spray and Wait, and Core-assisted Routing. Also generates data for gathering mobility characteristics such as nodal inter-contact times and contact times. Includes preliminary implementation for multicast operations. More...
Author: Muhammad Abdulla
NS2 comes with its own Random Waypoint (RWP) mobility scenario generator. Node movements are supposed to i.i.d.. We introduce two-level mobility patterns so that a specific number of nodes designated as core-nodes can have a different speed distribution than the rest of the nodes. Besides, as only the movement information is generated without connectivity information, our mobility scenario generator is also much faster.More...
Author: Muhammad Abdulla
NS2 comes with its own Random Waypoint (RWP) mobility scenario generator. Node movements are supposed to i.i.d.. We introduce two-level mobility patterns so that a specific number of nodes designated as core-nodes can have a different speed distribution than the rest of the nodes. Besides, as only the movement information is generated without connectivity information, our mobility scenario generator is also much faster.More...

BulletSoftware for Mobility Modeling

Author: Muhammad Abdulla
It is not straightforward to run experiments specifically on mobility model characteristics on NS2. This program is written for detailed experimentation regarding inter-contact times, relative speed of nodes, epoch duration, speed distribution, and relative movement angle distribution of mobile nodes.More...

BulletWeb-based Software

To be added.
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© 2008-2009 Muhammad Abdulla
Last Modified: January 26, 2009