If you can’t explain it simply,
you don’t understand it well enough.
— Albert Einstein
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update: August-2022

SWE 632: User Interface Design and Development
Course Syllabus — Fall 2022

Professor: Jeff Offutt
Email: offutt@gmu.edu
URL: cs.gmu.edu/~offutt/
Office: 4302 Engineering Building
Office hours: Wednesdays 3:30-5:00
or by appointment
Zoom hours: Fridays 1030am-1130am
Class hours: Tue 4:30-7:10
Class location: Horizon 2010
Prerequisites: SWE 619 &
SWE foundation material
Office hours: Wednesdays 330-430pm
Location: TBD


overview | grading | policies | miscellaneous



Principles of user interface design, development, and programming. Includes user psychology and cognitive science, menu system design, command language design, icon and window design, graphical user interfaces, web-based user interfaces.

This course will teach students how to design usable and effective user interfaces. Concepts in human factors will be covered, specifically in terms of designing software interfaces. After completing this course, students should:
  1. be able to design software interfaces that are appropriate for intended users
  2. be able to evaluate objectively the usability of a software interface
  3. know a variety of interface design principles and strategies

After completing this course, students should understand how to design and implement usable software interfaces know how to build software user interfaces that interact with back-end processing, and how to separate and connect front-end user-facing software with back-end business processing software. Programming skills are required and students are expected to know HTML and have sufficient programming skills to develop a complete working project, including a functional back-end. Students are responsible for having or learning the programming skills needed for the semester-long project.
overview | grading | policies | miscellaneous



You will evaluate several software interfaces by analyzing a UI and then submitting a written report. Unless stated otherwise, you can collaborate with up to two teammates (teams of max three). You should submit homework on paper and in class if possible. If you miss class, you may submit PDF via an email attachment. Evaluations must be submitted before class on the day they are due to be counted as on time. We will discuss evaluations in class and questions about the evaluations will be on the final. Late submissions will earn a maximum of 50%.
Note: You are NOT ALLOWED to include “guest names.” Every person listed as a collaborator must contribute. If someone is listed as a collaborator but did not contribute, all will be given a zero on the assignment and reported to the university honor committee.

You will specify, design, build, and deploy a moderate-sized software project with a primary emphasis on the user interface. You should work with one or two teammates (teams of max 3) of your choosing. You may also work alone, but please note that in my experience, SWE 632 projects are always better with multiple designers. Please see the project page for more details.

You earn participation points in three ways: (1) attending class (1 point each class meeting), (2) submitting in-class exercises (1 or 2 points for each exercise), and (3) contributing to discussions on the discussion board (1 point for each meaningful contribution). The exact number of total points possible will depend on the number of in-class exercises. I will calculate the total number of points that could be earned by a student who only misses one week of class and submits every in-class exercise, and define that to be 100% participation. Students with more points will be ceilinged at 100%.

We will have weekly in-class exercises. We have a significant amount of evidence that active exercises during class meetings enhance learning, as summarized by Dr. Ammann’s essay. Some will be done in small groups, and a few may be individual exercises. They count towards your participation grade and earn 1 point for a minimal effort or 2 points for a strong effort. They will be announced during class.

An absence can be excused if you are ill (covid, flu, cold, etc.) or have an emergency, and you document your reason for your absence. For example, a covid test result is acceptable documentation. If you have an excused absence, you will receive the attendance point and can submit in-class exercises electronically (I will give instructions on piazza). Please do not abuse my tolerance and flexibility by asking for excused absences for trivial reasons (for example, picking up your parents at the airport is not an excusable absence).

The TAs and I will use Blackboard to maintain RAW scores and attendance data. I compute grades according to this syllabus in a private spreadsheet. There is a column in BB labeled “TOTAL”: Ignore it; it’s meaningless for this class. (BB will not allow me to disable or hide this column.) If you see an error in the BB records, please inform us.
overview | grading | policies | miscellaneous


Readings, as given on the schedule page, allow you to understand the concepts and the theory behind the applications. I expect you to read before class meetings, and assure you that the readings are needed to perform at an A level on the assignments and the final exam. The lectures may not cover everything in the readings and will often include material not found in the readings.

All students will be enrolled in the discussion forum for SWE 632 on piazza. You will receive an invitation via your Mason email. We will use the discussion board throughout the semester. Ask all questions about the material or the assignments on piazza. You can also post about real-life usability problems, errors in the books or slides, or about topics that extend from our classroom discussion.

Computers will be used extensively during in-class exercises, discussions, and examples, but lectures in this class will be computer free. Computers, whether in the form of laptops, tablets, mobile phone, or pocket-computers, may not be used while I am lecturing. I have a detailed explanation why, but here is the short summary: Computers interfere with your classmate’s ability to concentrate on the educational material, my concentration, and your learning. Taking notes by hand is much more effective than typing notes on a computer. If you have to check your email or text messages, or take a phone call, please sit near the door so you can politely step out. I will ask you to close your computers, and if that doesn’t work, will ask you to leave the classroom.

I send course announcements to your Mason email account, so you must read it regularly. Professors are required to use your Mason email, not personal email accounts. When you send email to the professor or TA, please start the subject with “swe 632.” If not, we may not prioritize it. Questions about the technical material and class policies should be posted on the discussion board, not sent through email. You can address me as “professor,” “Dr.,” or “Jeff,” but please not “hey you” or “respected sir.”

Office hours are times that I commit to being in my office, door open, first come, first served. You do not need an appointment, and no appointments are made. If you cannot make my office hours, then we can try to set up an appointment. Please note that I am seldom available after 5:00 pm. I will inform you in class or on the discussion board if I have to miss office hours.
overview | grading | policies | miscellaneous


I always accept linkedin requests from current and former students—we clearly have a professional relationship. (Be sure to remind me when you took my class.) I tweet random thoughts irregularly about software engineering @jeffoffutt. Out of respect, I do not initiate facebook requests from students, but usually accept them.

As with all GMU courses, SWE 632 is governed by the GMU Honor Code. In this course, all graded submissions carry with them an implicit statement that it is the sole work of the author or authors, including joint work when explicitly authorized. When joint work is authorized, all contributing students must be listed on the submission. Any deviation from this is considered an Honor Code violation, and as a minimum, will result in failure of the submission and as a maximum, failure of the class.

If you need academic accommodations, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 993-2474 and fill me in on what you need. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the DRC.

Writing Center: A114 Robinson Hall; (703) 993-1200; https://writingcenter.gmu.edu
University Libraries “Ask a Librarian”: https://library.gmu.edu/ask
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (703) 993-2380; https://caps.gmu.edu
