SWE 632: User Interface Design and Development

HW 1a: Automated Checkout

Due Date: See schedule

Submission: You must submit via Blackboard before class begins on the due date!

Evaluation checklist (Word or PDF)

 Do either this evaluation or evaluation 1b, but not both.

The first evaluation will be for an automated checkout system at a grocery or other store (Giant, Safeway, and Home Depot have them). Go make a purchase, use the automated checkout system, and evaluate the interface. In this case we cannot completely separate the software from the hardware, but try to focus on the software. In particular, try not to focus on the scanner itself, but on your interaction with the devices.

In your brief report, state which store you used, which features you used, and briefly describe the checkout system.

Use the evaluation criteria and checklist provided. Make any additional comments that you feel are necessary, and suggest any additional criteria that you feel are needed.

You may bring your purchases to class for "share and tell".

Hint: You may wish to take notes, so I suggest going at a non-busy time (some stores are open all night ...).