SWE 632: User Interface Design and Development

HW 5: Online Game

Due Date: See schedule

Submission: You must submit via Blackboard before class begins on the due date!

Evaluation checklist (Word or PDF)

 Everyone will do this evaluation.

 Our next evaluation is for a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), the eRepublik. One of our graduate students who is studying game design recommended this game as an interesting study in user interface design. From his recommendation: "eRepublik includes politics, economics, warfare, and social interaction, and takes about 15 minutes per day, every day. The first few days are a little dull, but the game gets massively more interesting as your character progress." You need to register and create a "character," but the game is free.

In your report, tell us which parts of the game you used. Try to evaluate from the UI perspective, and not just whether you personally enjoy the game. It seems important that you start early and build up your character before finishing the report.

Use the evaluation criteria and checklist provided. Make any additional comments that you feel are necessary, and suggest any additional criteria that you feel are needed.

Have fun! And very important: Don't put a game ahead of your studies!!!