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Interface Prototype

    • Method Detail

      • clone

        Object clone()
        Creates a new individual cloned from a prototype, and suitable to begin use in its own evolutionary context.

        Typically this should be a full "deep" clone. However, you may share certain elements with other objects rather than clone hem, depending on the situation:

        • If you hold objects which are shared with other instances, don't clone them.
        • If you hold objects which must be unique, clone them.
        • If you hold objects which were given to you as a gesture of kindness, and aren't owned by you, you probably shouldn't clone them.
        • DON'T attempt to clone: Singletons, Cliques, or Populations, or Subpopulation.
        • Arrays are not cloned automatically; you may need to clone an array if you're not sharing it with other instances. Arrays have the nice feature of being copyable by calling clone() on them.


        • If no ancestor of yours implements clone(), and you have no need to do clone deeply, and you are abstract, then you should not declare clone().
        • If no ancestor of yours implements clone(), and you have no need to do clone deeply, and you are not abstract, then you should implement it as follows:

           public Object clone() 
                   return super.clone();
               catch ((CloneNotSupportedException e)
                   { throw new InternalError(); } // never happens
        • If no ancestor of yours implements clone(), but you need to deep-clone some things, then you should implement it as follows:

           public Object clone() 
                   MyObject myobj = (MyObject) (super.clone());
                   // put your deep-cloning code here...
               catch ((CloneNotSupportedException e)
                   { throw new InternalError(); } // never happens
               return myobj;
        • If an ancestor has implemented clone(), and you also need to deep clone some things, then you should implement it as follows:

           public Object clone() 
               MyObject myobj = (MyObject) (super.clone());
               // put your deep-cloning code here...
               return myobj;
      • setup

        void setup(EvolutionState state,
                   Parameter base)
        Sets up the object by reading it from the parameters stored in state, built off of the parameter base base. If an ancestor implements this method, be sure to call super.setup(state,base); before you do anything else.

        For prototypes, setup(...) is typically called once for the prototype instance; cloned instances do not receive the setup(...) call. setup(...) may be called more than once; the only guarantee is that it will get called at least once on an instance or some "parent" object from which it was ultimately cloned.

        Specified by:
        setup in interface Setup
      • defaultBase

        Parameter defaultBase()
        Returns the default base for this prototype. This should generally be implemented by building off of the static base() method on the DefaultsForm object for the prototype's package. This should be callable during setup(...).

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