Class Continuous3DPortrayal2D

All Implemented Interfaces:
Portrayal, Portrayal2D

public class Continuous3DPortrayal2D extends ContinuousPortrayal2D
Portrays Continuous3D fields projected into a 2D space. When asked to portray objects, this field computes the buckets covered by the requested region, then includes an additional boundary of two buckets in each direction just in case objects leak over the boundary region. Objects are portrayed in order of their z values: that is, objects with higher z values are drawn on top of objects with lower z values. The 'location' passed into the DrawInfo2D handed to the SimplePortryal2D is a Double3D.
  • Constructor Details

    • Continuous3DPortrayal2D

      public Continuous3DPortrayal2D()
  • Method Details

    • setField

      public void setField(Object field)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal
      Sets the field, and sets the dirtyField flag to true. May throw an exception if the field is inappropriate. The default version just sets the field and sets the dirtyField flag.
      setField in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • getRelativeObjectPosition

      public Point2D.Double getRelativeObjectPosition(Object location, Object otherObjectLocation, DrawInfo2D otherObjectInfo)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal2D
      Returns the position on-screen of an object at a given location in the field, using another object's location and DrawInfo2D to perform the computation. Returns null if we can't compute it -- this happens by default if the two locations are neither Int2D nor Double2D. This method is largely used by TrailPortrayal2D.
      getRelativeObjectPosition in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • getScale

      public Double2D getScale(DrawInfo2D info)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal2D
      Returns the width and height, in pixels, of 1.0 x 1.0 units in the underlying field. Optionally overridable. The default version thows an error if called.
      getScale in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • getPositionLocation

      public Object getPositionLocation(Point2D.Double position, DrawInfo2D fieldPortrayalInfo)
      Returns the location corresponding with the given position -- and assuming that the location has a z-value of 0.
      getPositionLocation in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • setObjectLocation

      public void setObjectLocation(Object object, Object location, GUIState gui)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal
      Sets location in the underlying field of the given object, if such a thing is reasonable. Largely used for setObjectPosition(...), and in the Inspector's LocationWrapper via the Stable classes. Optionally overridable. The default implementation does nothing.
      setObjectLocation in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • getObjectLocation

      public Object getObjectLocation(Object object, GUIState gui)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal
      Returns the first location in the underlying field of the given object, if such a thing is reasonable. Largely used for getObjectPosition(...). If null is returned, then the portrayal is unable to determine the position of the field location. Optionally overridable. The default implementation returns null.
      getObjectLocation in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • getLocationPosition

      public Point2D.Double getLocationPosition(Object location, DrawInfo2D fieldPortrayalInfo)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal2D
      Returns the position on-screen of the provided location in the underlying field. Negative positions are acceptable. If null is returned, then the portrayal is unable to perform the requested action on the given location. Optionally overridable. The default implementation returns null.
      getLocationPosition in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • hitOrDraw

      protected void hitOrDraw(Graphics2D graphics, DrawInfo2D info, Bag putInHere)
      Description copied from class: FieldPortrayal2D
      Instead of overriding the draw and hitObjects methods, you can optionally override this method to provide both the draw(...) and hitObjects(...) functionality in a single method, as it's common that these two methods have nearly identical code. You should test which operation to do based on whether or not graphics is null (if it is, you're hitting, else you're drawing).
      hitOrDraw in class ContinuousPortrayal2D
    • getWrapper

      public LocationWrapper getWrapper(Object obj, GUIState gui)
      getWrapper in class ContinuousPortrayal2D