List of all syllabi by semester.

Number Section(s) Name Instructor
CS 351 DL1 Visual Computing Yu, L
CS 452 DL1 Virtual Reality Yu, L
CS 465 001 Computer Systems Architecture Negulescu, R
CS 475 001 Concurrent and Distributed Systems Setia, S
CS 484 003 Data Mining Zhu, Z
CS 499 002 Computational Music Synthesis Luke, S
CS 530 001, 003 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science Negulescu, R
CS 580 004 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Luke, S
CS 690 003 Connected and Automated Vehicles Duric, Z
CS 692 004 Linux Kernel Internals Zhang, X
CS 692 003 Mobile Immersive Computing Han, B
SWE619 001 Object Oriented Software Design and Implementation Nguyen, T
SWE 660 001 Software Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems Pettit, R