Software Engineering Research at George Mason University

Some Past Research Projects

TrustDNN: Evaluating the Trustworthiness of Deep Learning Systems

NUS-Singtel Cyber Security Research and Development Laboratory

Enhancing the Dependability of Complex Missions through Automated Analysis (funded by EOARD)

UbiVal: Fundamental Approaches to Validation of Ubiquitous Computing Applications and Infrastructures (funded by EPSRC)

SENSORIA: Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers (funded by the European Commission):

PLASTIC: Providing Lightweight and Adaptable Service Technology for pervasive Information and Communication (funded by the European Commission)

SIENA (Internet-scale event notification)

SensOS (architectural styles for embedded software, funded by DARPA)

DASADA (dynamic software architectures, funded by DARPA)


APP (an Annotation PreProcessor)

Last updated 10 January 2024