Deadline: September 9th, 11:59pm (2014)

Your tasks in this assignment are listed below

  1. Setup your programming environment and compile the provided code
  2. Create a random tetrahedron in obj file format
You will need 4 vertices and therefore 12 numbers
Use to generate these numbers between 10 and 100
Use the provided code to render your tetrahedron
Keep trying different numbers until your tetrahedron has a positive volume

What and How to submit

How to set up your programming environment for OpenGL on Windows

Things that you need for this assignment should be inside cs451-PA1\lib and cs451-PA1\GL However,

Here is another link with very detailed instruction that can help you step up your programming environment:

How to set up your programming environment for OpenGL on Linux

From a terminal, follow the commands below

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  3. sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
  4. make (in cs451-PA1 directory)

You might want to setup an IDE for your future assignments.

  • If you would like to use Eclipse, you can install eclipse by saying
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt
  • Then the easiest way is to use the provided makefile in eclipse by creating a makefile (empty) project

How to set up your programming environment for OpenGL on Mac OSX

OpenGL and GLUT come with the system. Ideally, you should be able to compile the code by just typing

  • make (in cs451-PA1 directory)

However, you might want to setup an IDE for your future assignments.

  • If you would like to use Eclipse, then the easiest way is to use the make file in eclipse by creating a makefile project