Visual Representation and 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Environments

GRAND Seminar March 21, Mon., 2011, ENGR 4201

Yaser Sheikh
Assistant Professor
Carnegie Mellon University


Jana Koseka


Visual reconstruction algorithms have largely focused on reconstructing static environments from multiple views. Real world scenes, however, are not static. Our social environments abound with moving objects: faces expressing and emoting, bodies moving and gesticulating, and vehicles locomoting. In this talk, I will discuss progress in developing a geometric framework for reconstructing dynamic environments inspired by the existing framework for multiple view geometry in static scenes. A central challenge is representing structure in the deformation of dynamic objects. I will present and motivate spatial and temporal models of objects, and motivate the use of spatiotemporal models for dynamic environments.

As the talk progresses, I will show applications of these models for augmenting hand animation with CG motion, photo-collection browsing, and motion capture editing.

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