
The RoboPatriot 2015 software is a hybrid of GMU’s learning from demonstration system (HiTAB, discussed below), and the UPennalizer software which won in 2013. All the higher level soccer behavior code is replaced with HiTAB. Furthermore, this year, gaits and vision architecture must be almost entirely replaced to handle the new carpet, ball changes, and white goal posts.


HiTAB is a learning from demonstration system developed at George Mason University by which a human demonstrator or coach can train one or more robots or virtual agents to perform nontrivial behaviors effectively in real-time. It is built on top of MASON.

Previous Robocups

libkondo4 - A small open-source C library for controlling the Kondo KHR-3HV servo controller

Page under construction, for more information please contact Sean Luke or one of our students from our people page.