Potential Postdoctoral Researchers

Openings of postdoctoral researchers will be mostly dependent on funding availablity. For general inquries, please send a single PDF of the following documents to Prof. XX: 1. cover letter, 2. research statement, 3. curriculum vitae, 4. three references, 5. relevant publications, 6. other relevant materials, with the subject line "[Postdoc Application] YOUR AFFILIATION - YOUR NAME".

Potential PhD Students

The RobotiXX lab is always looking for highly motivated PhD students to work on field robotics, motion planning, and machine learning problems. Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) and Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) are available for strong PhD applicants. Hands-on knowledge in robotics hardware, field experience, and a good publication record is strongly preferred. To apply, please visit George Mason University's admission website and send a single PDF of the following documents to Prof. XX: 1. cover letter, 2. curriculum vitae, 3. transcript, 4. three references, 5. relevant publications, 6. other relevant materials, with the subject line "[PhD Application] YOUR AFFILIATION - YOUR NAME".

Potential Master Students

The RobotiXX lab also welcomes highly motivated Master students to join. Although GTA and GRA are mostly reserved for PhD students, they may also be available for Master students, who have shown their research excellence after working in the lab for one or two semesters. Master student will first participate in existing projects led by other more senior XX-Men, with the hope of eventually pursuing doctoral study in the lab. To apply, please visit George Mason University's admission website and send a single PDF of the following documents to Prof. XX: 1. cover letter, 2. curriculum vitae, 3. transcript, 4. relevant publications, 5. other relevant materials, with the subject line "[MS Application] YOUR AFFILIATION - YOUR NAME". One way to make your application stand out is to look at The BARN Challenge, set up the simulation environments, and create navigation methods with good performance (preferabbly outperforming the baselines).

Potential Undergraduate Students

The RobotiXX lab also works with outstanding undergraduate researchers, who are intereseted in cutting-edge robotics research and aspire to purse a graduate degree. In general, we work with undergraduates studnets who are students at George Mason University. To apply, please send a single PDF of the following documents to Prof. XX: 1. cover letter, 2. resume, 3. transcript, with the subject line "[UG Application] YOUR MAJOR - YOUR NAME".

Potential Highschool Students

The RobotiXX lab has a number of outreach programs to engage K-12 students in robotics research. Feel free to check our Pupper robot and send Prof. XX an email with the subject line "[K-12] YOUR AFFILIATION - YOUR NAME" if you are interested in playing with a Pupper. If you are an educator, also feel free to reach out and the XX-Men will be happy to show you around the lab and our awesome XX-Bots.