CEC Faculty Shine at IROS Robotics Conference

Post Image: CEC Faculty Shine at IROS Robotics Conference

Faculty members from Mason’s Computer Science and other departments from the College of Engineering and Computing made a significant impact at IROS, the flagship robotics conference. The team, which included Greg Stein and Xuesu Xiao from the Computer Science department, Xuan Wang and Ningshi Yao from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Daigo Shishika from Mechanical Engineering, and more than a dozen students, contributed to more than 10 papers, including six full research papers. Their joint paper from CS, ECE, and ME faculty and students also was nominated among the finalists for the Best Paper Award in Cognitive Robotics.

Prof. Sanmay Das receives gift from Hewlett Foundation for AI and education policy research

EdPolicyForward in the College of Education and Human Development and the Center for Advancing Human Machine Partnership (CAHMP) receive a gift from Hewlett Foundation to support a project on better connecting research to practice in education policymaking.

Keren Zhou won SIGHPC Doctoral Dissertation Award

Congratulations to Professor Keren Zhou on winning the prestigious SIGHPC Doctoral Dissertation Award 2023!  SIGHPC has additional details about Keren and his work. 

Prof. Jinwei Ye receives the NSF CAREER Award for work on Polarization-based Computer Vision

Post Image: Prof. Jinwei Ye receives the NSF CAREER Award for work on Polarization-based Computer Vision

Prof. Ye is awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. The title of her project is Towards Polarimetric Visual Understanding. Congratulations! 

List of all Career Awardees at CS@GMU: https://cs.gmu.edu/about/faculty-awards/  

Prof. Sanmay Das named to DARPA ISAT Study Group

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has named Professor Sanmay Das of George Mason University to the Information Science & Technology (ISAT) Study Group beginning in July 2023. The group brings 40 of the brightest scientists and engineers together to identify new areas of development in computer science and information technology and to recommend future possible research directions.

The ISAT Study Group was established by DARPA in 1987 to support its technology offices and provide continuing and independent assessment of the state of advanced Information Science technology as it relates to the U.S. Department of Defense.