The Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s (BAM) program allows highly qualified undergraduate students to complete a Master's on an accelerated timeline and begin taking graduate classes as early as their junior year. BAM students can take up to four advanced standing graduate classes (12 credits) that count towards both the BS and the MS degrees, plus up to two additional reserve graduate classes (6 credits) to use towards the MS degree only.

BAM programs are available for our MS programs in Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Am I eligible to apply?

  • GPA of 3.30 or higher
  • Completed 60 credits of undergraduate coursework
  • Successfully completed CS 310 and CS 330

How to apply

  • The admissions process and deadlines are explained on the CEC Graduate Admissions website here.
  • On your application, list Dr. Elizabeth White, Associate Chair of the Computer Science Department, as your recommender.

BAM courses

Once admitted to BAM, students can begin taking graduate classes upon completing 75 credits and successfully completing CS 367. The follwing graduate classes can replace the corresponding undergraduate classes.

Graduate course number and title To replace
CS 540 Language Processors CS 440
CS 550 Database Systems CS 450
CS 551 Computer Graphics CS 451
CS 555 Computer Communications and Networking CS 455
CS 571 Operating Systems CS 471
CS 580 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CS 480
CS 583 Analysis of Algorithms CS 483
CS 584 Theory and Applications of Data Mining CS 484
CS 587 Introduction to Cryptography CS 487
SWE 619 OO Software Specification and Construction SWE 419
SWE 637 Software Testing SWE 437
SWE 642 Software Engineering for the World Wide Web SWE 432


  • You cannot use both a graduate classes and the corresponding undergraduate class to satisfy requirements. For example, if you take CS 440, you cannot also apply CS 540 to your BS program.
  • You must satisfy required prerequisites.

Transitioning to the MS Program

  • Submit a Bachelor's/Accelerated Master's Transition Form to at the start of your final undergraduate semester by the following deadlines:
    • September 15 (if graduating in the fall term)
    • February 15 (if graduating in the spring term)
  • You must have a minimum grade of B in every course listed on the transition form.
  • BAM students are expected to begin their graduate program the semester after conferring their undergraduate degree. However, a one semester deferrment is allowed.

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