Using AI to uncover Human Smuggling Networks

Professor Carlotta Domeniconi in the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University is using artificial intelligence (AI) to combat human smuggling networks. She is the principal investigator (PI) on a groundbreaking project aimed at understanding and modeling human smuggling networks.  

GMU Robotics Faculty and Students Shine at IROS'24

Post Image: GMU Robotics Faculty and Students Shine at IROS'24

GMU robotics faculty, postdoc, and students attend the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, one of the flagship robotics conferences, in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Computer Science faculty Gregory J. Stein and Xuesu Xiao, along with Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty Xuan Wang, present nine papers at the conference and showcase the recent research progress made by Mason roboticists.

Bo Han, Songqing Chen, Craig Yu, and Parth Pathak win an NSF CCRI Award

Post Image: Bo Han, Songqing Chen, Craig Yu, and Parth Pathak win an NSF CCRI Award

Mason CS Professors Bo Han (PI), Songqing Chen (co-PI), Craig Yu (co-PI), and Parth Pathak (co-PI) won an NSF CCRI award for their proposal titled, "CoMIC: A Collaborative Mobile Immersive Computing Research Infrastructure for Multi-user XR."

Prof. Thomas LaToza receives ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

Professor LaToza and his team received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for their paper "A Qualitative Study on the Implementation Design Decisions of Developers" published at ICSE 2023.

Mason Researchers Land $1.39M to Study AI’s Effects on Global Culture

Prof. Amarda Shehu and Prof. Antonios Anastasopoulos are part of the team that has been awarded a three-year, $1.39 million grant to study the economic and cultural determinants for global artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructures. Find out more here.