ssociation for Computing Machinery Student Chapter (ACM)
Beta Theta Tau (ΒΘΤ)
Break Through Tech (BTT)
Computer-Human Interaction Student Group (CHI)
Game Analysis Design Interest Group (GADIG)
GMU Robotics Club (ARC)
Minorities in Computing (MiCP)
National Association of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
The programs and services offered by George Mason University are open to all who seek them. George Mason does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic national origin (including shared ancestry and/or ethnic characteristics), sex, disability, military status (including veteran status), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, pregnancy status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. After an initial review of its policies and practices, the university affirms its commitment to meet all federal mandates as articulated in federal law, as well as recent executive orders and federal agency directives.