A graduate teaching assistantship typically consists of a stipend and some reduction in tuition in return for a position as a teaching assistant. Masters and PhD students may both apply for graduate teaching assistantships. Teaching assistantships are offered by the Computer Science Department as a whole, and not by individual professors.
How to Apply
The Department of Computer Science is currently accepting applications for Fall 2024 Graduate Teaching Assistant positions on Handshake: https://gmu.joinhandshake.com/. Search for Job #8987972, “Computer Science Graduate Teaching Assistant.”
Applications for GTA positions will be available each semester through Handshake. Positions are posted well in advance of the start of each semester.
- Applicants must have completed at least one semester at GMU and currently hold at least a 3.4 GPA.
- Upload your complete unofficial GMU transcript from PatriotWeb. We are not interested in reviewing transcripts from other institutions.
- Upload a current resume and a cover letter that details your skills and interest areas.
- Indicate in your cover letter which graduate courses you have already completed with a grade of B or above. Also detail your operating system and programming language experience.
- Please do not re-apply if you are currently a GTA.
- The application will remain open until all positions are filled.
- These positions are fufilled in-person, and cannot be done remotely (online).
- Due to the large number of applications, please do not contact faculty or staff with questions about application status as they will not be answered.
Once you apply, you are not guaranteed an interview. The information you submit in your application will be reviewed and interviews will be conducted only by invitation from a faculty member on the GTA coordinating committee.
Guidance for Getting a Teaching Assistantship
Most of our GTA positions go to PhD students, but MS students are often offered positions as well. We seek students who have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of our curriculum. The most frequently successful way to do this is by outstanding performance in the core courses of the MS program. An undergraduate degree in Computer Science is also helpful. Other criteria are considered, including strong knowledge of specific subject matter for courses that need coverage at a particular time.
To be considered for a GTA position, you must not hold any other conflicting paid position during the same semester, either within or outside of GMU, including OPT/CPT appointments. This includes the case of PhD students who defend their dissertation early in the semester and begin work late in the semester.
Please note that CS Department policy is more strict in this regard than OIPS, who may inform some students that they are authorized to hold another position alongside a GTA appointment with department approval; the CS Department will not provide this approval.