•   When: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Yotam Gingold, PhD
  •   Location: Research Hall 163
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2D and 3D curves, surfaces, and images are the basic building blocks of computer-aided design, anatomy, virtual worlds, drawings, paintings, and sculptures. Digital geometry is crucial for applications such as computer-aided design, simulation, and manufacturing; medical imaging for diagnosis and treatment; and virtual worlds for entertainment, training, and therapy. Yet creating and editing digital geometry is challenging: de novo creation takes significant time and expertise. Conceptually simple editing operations are often painstakingly tedious to perform.


In this talk, I will provide an overview of my recent contributions to the field of interactive modeling. I will focus on two lines of inquiry: (1) allowing smoothly-defined 2D and 3D shapes to be edited with the vast literature on linear blend skinning deformations; (2) discovering powerful image editing operations in the geometry of its colors.



Yotam Gingold is an Assistant Professor in the computer science department at George Mason University. He directs the the Creativity and Graphics Lab (CraGL), whose mission is to solve challenging visual, geometry, and design problems and pursue foundational research into human creativity. His work is supported by the National Science Foundation (including a CAREER award) and Google. Previously he was a post-doctoral researcher in the computer science departments of Columbia University, Rutgers University, Tel-Aviv University, and Herzliya IDC. Yotam earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from New York University in 2009, where he was awarded the Janet Fabri Prize for most outstanding dissertation.


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago