•   When: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Yun Guo
  •   Location: ENGR 4201
  •   Export to iCal


As the standard database language, SQL statements can be complex and expensive to debug by hand. Automated fault localization and repair techniques have the potential to reduce cost significantly. I propose a novel fault localization and repair technique to repair faulty SQL statements. It targets faults in two common SQL constructs, JOIN and WHERE. It identifies the fault location and type precisely, and then creates a patch to fix the fault. I implemented this technique in a tool, and evaluated it on five medium to large-scale databases using 825 faulty queries with various complexity and faulty types. Experimental results showed that this technique can identify and repair WHERE faults more precisely than previous techniques, and also repair JOIN faults that previous techniques could not. Moreover, patches generated by this approach are more acceptable to engineers, and the tool is much faster.

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago