•   When: Friday, October 12, 2018 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Nikolaos Bourbakis
  •   Location: ENGR 4201
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In the last two decades the maturity of two major scientific events has significantly impacted the Academic and Industrial evolution. The first event is the wide acceptance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Applications domain. The second is the increased computational power of IT tools (Data Mining, Big Data) with application to very large scale demands. As a result of this evolution, singular methodologies have been replaced by Synergies of methodologies for robust solutions to complex and large scale problems. Thus, this talk will address how Synergies of AI and IT Methodologies may offer better solutions for problems on Healthcare & Biomedicine.


Dr. Nikolaos Bourbakis (IEEE Fellow-1996) currently is an Ohio Board of Regents Distinguished Professor of Information Technology College of Engineering, j.a. Professor of Geriatrics School of Medicine,  and the Director of the Center of Assistive Research Technologies (CART) at Wright State University, Dayton OH. He is the Founder and the EIC of the Int. Journal on AI Tools (World Scientific Pub., 1992-present) and the Int. Journal on Monitoring and Surveillance Tech Research (IGI-Global, Publ., 2013-present), the Founder and General Chair of several International IEEE Computer Society Conferences (ICTAI, BIBE, IISA), Symposia and Workshops. He pursues research in Assistive Technologies, Applied AI, Bioengineering, Cyber Security, and Parallel/Distributed Processing funded ($15M) by USA and European government and industry. He has extensively published in IEEE/International Journals and IEEE Conferences (430 pubs) and graduated 29 PhD students. His research work has been internationally recognized and won several prestigious awards. Some of them are: IEEE Computer Society Technical Research Achievement Award 1998; ASC Outstanding Scientists & Engineers Research Award-2005; Dr. F. Russ IEEE Biomedical Engineering award, Dayton Ohio, 2010; Most Cited Article in Pattern Recognition Journal, 2006-2010; IEEE ICTAI CV Ramamoorthy best paper Award 2012 & 2015; Recognition Award for his Outstanding Scholarly Achievements and Contributions in the field of Computer Science, UNIPI-GR, 2013; IEEE EMBS-GR Award of Achievements, 2013; IEEE Computer Society 28 years ICTAI Outstanding Service & Leadership Recognition, 2016, and IEEE AIKE Keynote Speaker Award 2018, others.

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago