•   When: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Bahador Saket
  •   Location: Engineering Building 4201
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 Abstract: A key component of visualization systems that helps human sensemaking is interactivity. Thoughtfully designed interactions make the visual analysis process a conversation between the user and the interface that results in a deeper understanding of data. Yet, despite decades of research, existing visualization systems still require users to interact through layers of menus on control panels. These systems incur extra execution and cognitive cost by introducing a large number of intermediary interface elements such as menus and dialog boxes. In this talk, I will discuss a novel interaction paradigm for visual data exploration called ``visualization by demonstration'’. This paradigm aims to reduce the cognitive cost and enhance interaction expressivity to decrease the level of formalism and fundamental knowledge often required for visual data exploration. During my talk, I will first discuss the fundamental principles and guidelines that go into the design of visualization by demonstration. I then discuss how we can apply these fundamental principles and guidelines to design and develop general-purpose data visualization tools that implement visualization by demonstration. I finally explain how we apply visualization by demonstration to design and develop visual data exploration tools for experts in specific domains such as biology and healthcare.

 Bio:  Bahador Saket is a PhD student at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). His research combines methods from data visualization (InfoVis) and human-computer interaction (HCI) to develop and evaluate novel interaction techniques for visual data exploration, and apply these to interactive systems in different critical domains. Bahador’s work has been published in premier data visualization and HCI venues such as InfoVis, TVCG, EuroVis, UIST, CSCW, and MobileHCI. He has received one Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at ACM MobileHCI. He served on various program committees for minor and major conferences and reviewed for the major HCI and InfoVis conferences and journals (e,g., CHI, UIST, InfoVis, TVCG, TEI,  ISS, EuroVis, TKDD).

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago