•   When: Friday, October 16, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Emerson Murphy-Hill, GOOGLE
  •   Location: Zoom
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Building software that works for many users is an important business goal, and doing so requires a diverse set of developers to create that software. But the tech industry has a ways to go when it comes to fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. In this talk, I'll discuss why software developer diversity and inclusion is important, recent research in advancing our understanding of the problem and solutions, and what computer scientists should do to improve the situation.

Emerson is a Staff Research Scientist with Developer Intelligence at Google, leading an effort on improving diversity and inclusion for software developers. Before Google, he was an Associate Professor at North Carolina State University. His research spans human-computer interaction and software engineering, and has been awarded five ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards, an NSF CAREER Award, a VL/HCC Best Paper Award, and a Microsoft Software Engineering Innovation Foundation award.

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago