•   When: Friday, November 20, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Cuong Nguyen, Adobe
  •   Location: ZOOM
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Creative communities have embraced VR and AR devices, but creating rich multimedia experiences in these environments remains difficult. Although VR and AR experiences enable immersive 3D interaction for viewers, authors are confined to 2D desktop environments and use traditional mouse and keyboard interactions. Supporting creative authoring on a VR/AR device is not trivial. The "authoring canvas" is a vast open 3D space, which poses unique challenges for basic tasks like navigation. The authoring environment is solely on the device, which makes the experience exclusive only to the author. Therefore, social creative needs for communicating with peers and learning new skills are not well-supported. In my research, I study emerging VR/AR creative practices to identify needs and challenges from creators. From these insights, I develop on-device interfaces to support a wide spectrum of creative work: learning, prototyping, creation, and feedback. In this talk, I will demonstrate on-device authoring through some of my recent work in the context of 360 degree filmmaking and 3D design. 


Cuong Nguyen is a research scientist at Adobe Research. He completed his PhD at Portland State University. His research lies at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and VR/AR. He studies new creative practices enabled by VR/AR and develops new interfaces to help push the creative boundary of this medium. Some of his research has received Best Paper Honorable Mention awards at ACM CHI. More details can be found on his website: http://www.cuongnd.com/.

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago