•   When: Friday, March 18, 2022 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Prashant Pandey
  •   Location: ZOOM only
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Our ability to generate, acquire, and store data has grown exponentially over the past decade making the scalability of data systems a major challenge. This talk presents my work on two techniques to tackle the scalability challenge: scaling down, i.e., shrinking data to fit in RAM, and scaling out to disk, i.e., organizing data on disk so that the application can still run fast. I will describe new compact and I/O-efficient data structures and their applications in computational biology, stream processing, and storage.

 In computational biology, my work shows how to shrink genomic and transcriptomic indexes by a factor of two while accelerating queries by an order of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art tools. In stream processing, my work bridges the gap between the worlds of external memory and stream processing to perform scalable and precise real-time event-detection on massive streams. In file systems, my work improves file-system random-write performance by an order of magnitude without sacrificing sequential read/write performance.


Pandey is a Research Scientist at VMware Research. Previously, he did postdocs at University of California Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University.  He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stony Brook University in December 2018.

 His goal as a researcher is to advance the theory and practice of resource-efficient data structures and employ them to democratize complex and large-scale data analyses. He designs and builds tools for large-scale data management problems across computational biology, stream processing, and storage. He is also the main contributor and maintainer of multiple open-source software tools that are used by hundreds of users across academia and industry.  He won the prestigious Catacosinos Fellowship in 2018, a Best paper award at FAST 2016, and Runner’s Up to Best Paper at FAST 2015. His work has appeared at top conferences and journals, such as SIGMOD, FAST, SPAA, ESA, RECOMB, ISMB, Genome Biology, and Cell Systems.

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago