•   When: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Bassam Mutawak
  •   Location: Zoom
  •   Export to iCal

Visualization of the ocular motor system is an innovative technique to examine the underlying causes of different ocular disorders. Creating three-dimensional (3D) ocular models, including the extraocular muscles and other ocular structures, is one method for ocular system visualization. Effective examination of the different ocular disorders necessitates these 3D models to be developed in a patient-specific manner, using medical imaging techniques to image a patient's ocular structures and laborious post-processing to generate the three-dimensional models. Biomechanical simulators employ these patient-specific models to simulate eye movements such as fixations and saccades in normal or abnormal conditions. Such realistic computational simulation can be helpful to quantitatively study factors contributing to eye movement disorders and effective surgical treatment procedures. Current patient-specific ocular modeling, however, is limited due to the lengthy initial static model creation process. Furthermore, a recognized pipeline to create these static models does not exist. In this thesis, we introduce an automated pipeline to generate patient-specific 3D ocular models that stream-lines and unifies the multi-step model creation process. Several solutions are compared at step to optimize quantitative accuracy to real-world experimental results. The pipeline is implemented as a plugin in Autodesk Maya and seven subject datasets are used to demonstrate modeling fitness. Modeling creation time is drastically reduced, enabling quicker turnaround of ocular visualization and allowing for a broad set of ocular models to be leveraged in the development of biomechanical simulators.

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Posted 2 years, 3 months ago