•   When: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Songqing Chen
  •   Location: Research Hall, Room 163
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The Internet has witnessed the sharp increase in the use of mobile devices and cloud services in the last decade. Both of these technologies offer unprecedented opportunities and convenience for end users and business. While mobile and cloud computing have paved a path for most users to access various Internet services, they also come with a number of challenges. For example, mobile devices are always constrained by the limited battery power supply, while there are also a lot of security concerns on cloud services.

In this talk, I will discuss my research approach to addressing the above challenges. Specifically, preserving battery power is critical to mobile users. Given that today the video traffic is already more than half of the mobile data traffic, I will discuss how to efficiently save battery power when mobile devices are accessing Internet streaming services. This will help mobile users to effectively prolong the battery lifetime and support future green computing. On the other hand, today commercial cloud data centers, such as Google’s, are quickly adopting Software Defined Networking (SDN) techniques to take advantage of the benefits offered by SDN. However, the current SDN architecture can easily suffer from DDoS attacks due to the quick congestion of the control path. I will discuss how to elastically scale up the control path capacity of SDN to deal with this challenge.


Songqing Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University. He is interested in various aspects of distributed systems. Recently, he has been working on Internet content delivery systems, system security, Internet measurement and modeling, and cloud computing. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and the AFOSR YIP Award.

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago