•   When: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Amaresh Chakrabarti
  •   Location: Nguyen Engineering, Room 4201
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The talk would provide an overview of research being carried out by the research group of the speaker at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Prof Chakrabarti will give an overview of research at his Innovation, Design Study and Sustainability Laboratory on Creativity, Sustainability and Product Informatics, with a design research methodology as the framework for structuring these pieces of research. Questions asked include: What is design research? What is a design research methodology? What is engineering creativity? How can it be assessed and supported? What is the role of incompleteness of knowledge in assessing environmental impacts of products? How can this be assessed and utilised in decision making? What knowledge is important to capture that is currently not captured in industry? The talk will specifically focus on bioinspired design – an area in which the group is particularly active. An overview of the CoE on Sustainable Design with Washonton State U, UC Berkeley, Syracuse U and NIST is also outlined.


Amaresh Chakrabarti is professor and Chairman at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He has BE in Mech Engg from Univ. of Calcutta (now IIEST Shibpur), India, ME in Mech Design from IISc, and PhD in Engg Design from Univ. of Cambridge, UK. After PhD, he led for 10 years the Design Synthesis team at the EPSRC Centre for Excellence Engg Design Centre at Univ. of Cambridge, before joining IISc. His interests are in design synthesis & creativity, eco-design & sustainability, and product informatics. He authored/edited 10 books, over 250 peer-reviewed articles, and has 6 patents granted/pending. He co-authored DRM, a methodology used widely as a framework for doing engineering design research. He is an Associate Editor for AI EDAM and Design Science Journal (both Cambridge University Press), Area Editor, Research in Engg Design (Springer), Regional Editor, J for Remanufacturing (Springer), and Advisory Editor for 7 International Journals incl. J of Engg D (Taylor & Francis), Clean Tech & Env. Policy (Springer), and Int J Design Creativity & Innovation (Taylor & Francis). Prof Chakrabarti has been on Advisory Board of Design Society where he is currently elected to its Board of Management, member of CII National Committee on Design India, and member of Jury for India Design Mark, India Design Council. He founded IDeASLab – the first lab in India for research into design creativity, sustainability and innovation. He is Programme chair for Intl Conf on Research into Design (ICoRD), 22nd CIRP Design Conf (CIRP Design 2012), 3rd Intl Conf on Design Creativity (3rd ICDC 2015) and vice-Chair for AI in Design and Design Computing & Cognition Conf series. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering Designers, the peer society under the UK Royal Charter in engineering design, and recived TUM Ambassador Award from TU Munich Germany. 11 of his papers won top paper awards in international conferences.

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago