•   When: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Keke Wu
  •   Location: ENGR 4201
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Title: The Design of Cognitively Accessible Visualizations

Abstract: Data is everywhere, but not always accessible to everyone. Conventional data visualization tools and guidelines often assume a standard user, overlooking the neurodivergent needs of those with cognitive disabilities. These disabilities present significant challenges in data-driven reasoning, such as processing complex information, interpreting abstract concepts, and maintaining attention, hindering the effective use of conventional visualizations. This exclusion leaves individuals vulnerable to ethical issues and barriers in various life areas. Since 2018, I have been at the forefront of addressing these challenges, working with individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) — including Down syndrome, Autism, and Cerebral Palsy — to enhance data accessibility. My research focuses on developing cognitively accessible visualizations through a comprehensive agenda. In this talk, I will outline my three-step approach: (1) understanding data accessibility, (2) uncovering everyday data experiences, and (3) unlocking neurodivergent potential for data authoring. This presentation will provide actionable insights to empower individuals with IDD in data-driven conversations, reimagining visualization as a tool to democratize data access and foster inclusivity across diverse cognitive landscapes.

Bio: Keke Wu is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research combines storytelling, aesthetics, and creative technology to create engaging and meaningful human-data interactions that address real-world problems and benefit society. Keke has published her work in leading computer science and disability venues such as ACM CHI, IEEE VIS, AUCD, and AAIDD. She has received a Best Paper Award at CHI, the Ray Hauser Award from CU Graduate School, and has been a finalist for the Adobe Research Fellowship and the NCWIT Collegiate Award. Keke’s multidisciplinary background fuels her commitment to bridging the realms of art, technology, and human experience. Her ultimate goal is to democratize data access and foster a more inclusive society through innovative visualization techniques.

Posted 9 months, 4 weeks ago