•   When: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:00 PM
  •   Speakers: Jeremy Goecks
  •   Location: ENGR 4201
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High-throughput DNA sequencing has transformed biomedical research into a data-driven science. Today, the majority of time and cost in genomics experiments arise from analyzing the data, not producing it. Galaxy (http://galaxyproject.org) is a popular Web-based platform for analyzing large biological datasets and for genomic data in particular. Galaxy makes computational biology analyses accessible, reproducible, and collaborative. Galaxy has been cited more than 1800 times in scientific publications, there are 63 active public servers, and our main public server (http://usegalaxy.org) processes ~130,000 analysis jobs each month. In this talk, I will describe (a) the Galaxy platform and (b) new algorithms and visual analytics applications for Galaxy to analyze cancer genomic data.

Speaker's Biography

Jeremy Goecks is an Assistant Professor of Computational Biology at George Washington University. His research agenda centers on (a) developing methods for analyzing high-throughput biomedical data, with a focus on cancer genomics (b) creating visual analytics systems for large genomic datasets. He is a lead investigator for the Galaxy project (http://galaxyproject.org); Galaxy is a popular Web-based platform for doing accessible, reproducible, and collaborative analysis of biological datasets. Jeremy received his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech and his B.S. (with Honors) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Posted 9 years, 10 months ago