Undergraduate Students

Most forms can be found on the Registrar's Forms page. Please also check the College of Engineering and Computing web page for Undergraduate Forms.

For Degree Planners useful for keeping track of degree progress, please see the Tracking Degree Progress page for current undergraduates.

Graduate Students

Most forms can be found on the Registrar's Forms page.

Forms specific to the programs offered by the CS department are provided below:

Computing Foundations Graduate Certificate




Late Schdule Adjustment (Spring 2025)
Graduate students who are interested in submitting a request to join a course with an open seat, may request to do so through a late schedule adjustment (LSA). These requests may be submitted after the last day to add has passed, and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The LSA process is completely online and submitted through a Dynamic Form found on the Registrar's website (here) under "Late Schedule Adjustment".

If you have any questions about the process, please email us at csgrad@gmu.edu or csphd@gmu.edu. 

Student Hiring

  • For Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) posistions, click here. Only undergrads are eligible to apply.