Professor Domeniconi is the Chair of SIAM International Conference in Data Mining (2020)

Prof. Carlotta Domeniconi is co-chairing the SIAM International Conference in Data Mining (2020) to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Students Al-Amin and Panneer along with faculty members from CS@Mason win Best Paper award at Data Science Conference

Post Image: Students Al-Amin and Panneer along with faculty members from CS@Mason win Best Paper award at Data Science Conference

Congratulations to Al Amin Hosain, Panneer Selvam Santhalingam, Parth Pathak, Jana Kosecka and  Huzefa Rangwala for winning the best research paper award at the 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics.

MS CS Program expands with new concentrations (Machine Learning and Cyber Security)

The MS in CS program adds two concentrations to meet the needs of industry

Prof. Shehu is serving as an NSF Program Director

Professor Amarda Shehu is serving as a Program Director for Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (CISE/IIS) at National Science Foundation .

Jon Katz joins the department as Eminent Scholar in Cybersecurity

The CS department welcomes Jonathan Katz who will join the faculty this fall as professor of computer science and Eminent Scholar in Cybersecurity.