Professor Eric Osterweil consulted for Gizmodo's Biz Asks series

In a recent installment of Gizmodo's Giz Asks series, professor Osterweil was consulted (along with luminaries like Leonard Kleinrock, "Father of the Internet") about whether we are ever going to run out of digital storage:

MS in Computer Science: Meeting the needs of the information economy

The computer sciences master's program at George Mason University offers students the opportunity to combine a sound foundation in computer science with concentrated knowledge in the latest developments.

Prof. Shehu is the Winner of the 2021 Beck Family Medal for Excellence in Research and Scholarship

Post Image: Prof. Shehu is the Winner of the 2021 Beck Family Medal for Excellence in Research and Scholarship

Congratulations to Prof. Shehu for winning the Presidential Award -- the 2021 Beck Family Medal for Excellence in Research and Scholarship.

Congratulations to Prof. Pathak on being awarded the NSF Career Award

Prof. Pathak is awarded the National Science Foundation Early Career Research Award. The title of his project is  CAREER: Unifying Millimeter-wave Networking and Sensing using Commodity Backscatter. 

Prof. Menasce wins the 2021 Mason David J. King Teaching Award

Congratulations to Prof. Mensace for winning the 2021 David J. King Teaching Award.