CS Department welcomes Prof. Cheng

The CS department welcomes Dr. Yue Cheng, who will be joining the department as tenure-track Assistant Professor. Dr. Cheng completed his PhD in Computer Science at Virginia Tech in June 2017. His research interests are in distributed systems, storage and I/O systems, cloud computing, internet of things, and high performance computing. He will be teaching CS 471 (Operating Systems) in Fall 2017.

Research Papers co-authored by Professors Setia and LaToza categorized as classics by Google Scholar

Research papers co-authored by Drs. Setia and LaToza are included in Google Scholar's lists of classic papers, i.e., "a collection of highly-cited papers in their area of research that have stood the test of time." For each area, Google Scholar lists the ten most-cited articles that were published ten years earlier.

CS department bids adieu to Professors Carver, Kauffman and Nordstrom

The CS department bids adieu to two long-time faculty members Professors Richard Carver and David Nordstrom who have retired from Mason and to Professor Chris Kauffman who is moving to the University of Minnesota. We thank them for all their efforts on behalf of the department and its students and wish them all the best for the future.

Hakan Aydin, Jana Kosecka and Angelos Stavrou promoted to full professor

Congratulations to CS faculty members Hakan Aydin, Jana Kosecka and Angelos Stavrou for their promotion to the rank of full Professor!

CS Awards Dinner Honors Students and Staff

Post Image: CS Awards Dinner Honors Students and Staff

The annual CS Department Graduation Celebration and Awards Dinner was held on May 17, 2017 to honor students, faculty, and staff who had contributing in outstanding ways to the department.  Among the award winners, Stephen Collins was recognized as the Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year while Mohd Elsabagh and Lin Deng were recognized as the Outstanding Graduate Students of the Year.