Prof. Carlotta Domeniconi is a co-lead for the Women in Data Science and Mathematics (WiSDM) 2019 to be held July 29-Aug 2, 2019 at Brown University and encourages applicants (see below)

WiSDM 2019 is a research collaboration workshop targeted toward women working in data science and mathematics. This program will bring together women at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to senior researchers, to collaborate on problems in data science.

Data science is typically characterized as work at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, statistics, and an application domain. The scientific focus will be on cutting-edge problems in network analysis for gene detection, group dynamics, graph clustering, novel statistical and topological learning algorithms, tensor product decompositions, reconciliation of assurance of anonymity and privacy with utility measures for data transfer and analytics, as well as efficient and accurate completion, inference and fusion methods for large data and correlations.

Applications are now open. Applicants should rank their top 3 choices of projects in their personal statement. Project descriptions can be found below.

Application deadline is March 17, 2019.