List of all syllabi by semester.

Number Section(s) Name Instructor
CS100 002 Principles of Computing González Hernández, A
CS 108 001 & 003 Introduction to Computer Science - Part A Gopalkrishna, S
CS 109 001 Intro to Computer Programming, Part B Kamberi, S
CS 110 All Essentials of Computer Science All,
CS 112 All Sections Introduction to Computer Programming All,
CS 211 All Object Oriented Programming Destine, Dimitriadis,
CS 262 02, 03, 04 Introduction to Low-Level Programming Mughal, H
CS 306 All Synth. of Ethics & Law for the Computing Professional All,
CS 310 004, 006 Data Structures Zhong, Y
CS 321 Software Engineering Masri, W
CS 321 002, 006 Software Engineering Pettit, R
CS 321 003, 004 Software Engineering Soundararajan, S
CS 330 001, 002, 004 Formal Methods and Models Avramovic, I
CS 330 003 Formal Methods and Models Richards, D
CS 351 DL1 Visual Computing Yu, L
CS 367 All Computer Systems and Programming Andrea, K
CS 426 Game Programming II Gingold, Y
CS 440 002 Language Processors Zaman, A
CS 450 001/003 Database Concepts Deng, P
CS 451 001 Computer Graphics Chen, J
CS 463 001 Comparative Programming Languages Snyder, M
CS 465 001 Computer Systems Architecture Zhong, Y
CS 468 002 Secure Programming and Systems Simon, R
CS 471 002 Operating Systems Zhang, X
CS 471 004 Operating Systems Zeng, Q
CS 471 001 Operating Systems Aydin, H
CS 471 003 Operating Systems Chen, S
CS 480 DL1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Tecuci, G
CS 482 Computer Vision Stein, G
CS 483 All Analysis of Algorithms Russell, K
CS 484 002 Data Mining Zhu, Z
CS 484 001 Data Mining Plaku, E
CS 499 001 Computational Music Synthesis Luke, S
CS 504 DL3 Principles of Data Management and Mining Hrolenok, B
CS 531 DL3 Computer Systems and Fundamentals of Systems Programming Sainju, S
CS 540 001 Language Processing White, E
CS 550 005 Database Systems Deng, P
CS 551 001 Computer Graphics Chen, J
CS 555 002 Computer Communication and Networking Osterweil, E
CS 571 001 Operating Systems Chen, S
CS 580 001/DL2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence González Hernández, A
CS 580 005 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Hrolenok, B
CS 580 004 Artificial Intelligence Kosecka, J
CS 583 001 Analysis of Algorithms Li, F
CS 584 004 Theory/Application of Data Mining Lin, J
CS 630 001 Advanced Algorithms Richards, D
CS 663 DL1 Computational Design Yu, L
CS 678 Advanced Natural Language Processing Anastasopoulos, A
CS 682 001 Computer Vision Kosecka, J
CS685 001 Autonomous Robotics Xiao, X
CS 688 002 Machine Learning Domeniconi, C
CS 688 001 Machine Learning Yu, F
CS 695 002 Mobile Immersive Computing Han, B
CS 695 001 Software Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems Pettit, R
CS 695 006 Computational Music Synthesis Luke, S
CS 695 004 Mining and Learning from Time Series Data Lin, J
CS 695 Advanced Computer Architecture Yang, L
CS 695 005 Connected and Automated Vehicles Duric, Z
CS 782 001 Topics in Machine Learning: Deep Learning Generative Models Barbara, D
CS 795 Equity and Ethics in SWE Johnson-Matthews, B
ISA 562 002 Information Security Theory and Practice Wang, X
ISA 656 001 Network Security Wang, X
SWE 419 001 OO Software Design and Implementation Ammann, P
SWE 432 001 Web Application Development Moran, K
SWE 619 OO Software Specification and Construction Masri, W
SWE 621 003, DL1 Software Design and Architecture Soundararajan, S
SWE 642 001 Software Engineering for the World Wide Web Dubey, V
SWE 645 001 Component-based Software Development Dubey, V
SWE 699 001 Software Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems Pettit, R
SWE 795 Equity and Ethics in SWE Johnson-Matthews, B