List of all syllabi by semester.

Number Section(s) Name Instructor
COMP 502 Mathematical Foundations of Computing I Ellis, W
COMP 503 Computer Systems Foundations I He, L
COMP 511 Computer Programming Foundations II Alshammari, A
CS 100 004, P01 Principles of Computing Zaman, A
CS 100 DL2 Principles of Computing González, A
CS 110 -002, -003 Essentials of Computer Science Dimitriadis, Maddox,
CS 112 002, 003 Introduction to Computer Programming Negulescu, R
CS 112 001, 004, 005 Introduction to Computer Programming Kamberi, Gopalkrishna, Kamranfar,
CS 211 ALL Object Oriented Programming Gonzalez, Hrolenok,
CS 222 001 Computer Programming for Engineers Otten, J
CS 222 003 Computer Programming for Engineers Wilson, J
CS 262 001, 002, 003, 005 Introduction to Low-Level Programming All Professors,
CS 306 All Synth. of Ethics & Law for the Computing Professional Dean, Geldon, Maddox, Otten, Tompkins,
CS 310 All Data Structures Dimitriadis, Zhong,
CS 321 004/009/010 Software Engineering Reep, M
CS 321 006, 007 Software Engineering Soundararajan, S
CS 330 001 Formal Methods and Models Evrendilek, C
CS 330 002/005 Formal Methods and Models Avramovic, I
CS 330 003, 004 Formal Methods and Models Zaman, A
CS 367 All Computer Systems and Programming Andrea, Mughal,
CS 395 Full Stack Development Purohit, Ton, Russell,
CS 426 Game Programming II Gingold, Y
CS 450 001/003 Database Concepts Deng, P
CS 450/550 450-004/550-005 Database Concepts/Systems Deng, P
CS 463 001 Comparative Programming Languages Snyder, M
CS 471 001 Operating Systems Aydin, H
CS 471 005 Operating Systems Chen, S
CS 475 001 Concurrent & Distributed Systems Setia, S
CS 477 001 Mobile Application Development White, E
CS 480 DL3 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Tecuci, G
CS 480 001 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Hrolenok, B
cs 483 004 algorithms richards, d
CS 483 001,002,003 Analysis of Algorithms Russell, Evrendilek,
CS 484 001/002 Data Mining Lin, J
CS 504 002/003 Principles of Data Management and Mining Yin, B
CS 531 005 Comp Systems and Sys Prog Chen, J
CS 551 DL Computer Graphics Chen, J
CS 571 001 Operating Systems Chen, S
CS580 006 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Xiao, X
CS 580 DL6 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Tecuci, G
CS 580 004 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Duric, Z
CS 583 001,005 Analysis of Algorithms Russell, Evrendilek,
CS 584 003 Theory and Applications of Data Mining Zhou, K
CS 584 002 Data Mining Zhu, Z
cs600 001, 002 theory richards, d
CS 682 DL1 Computer Vision Kosecka, J
CS 688 001 Machine Learning Yu, F
ISA 656 001 Network Security Wang, X
SWE 432 001 Web App Development Reep, M
SWE 443 001 Software Architectures Reep, M
SWE 621 004 Software Design and Architecture Soundararajan, S
SWE 625 001 Software Engineering Project Management Nidiffer, K
SWE 642 001 Software Engineering for the World Wide Web Dubey, V
SWE 645 001 Component-based Software Development Dubey, V
SWE 660 All Software Engineering for Real-Time Embedded Systems Pettit, R