CS 482
Computer Vision


Week 1: Introduction, Review of linear algebra, 2D-3D transformations, image formation process
(intro.pdf, linear-algebra.pdf image-formation.pdf), Matlab Tutorial
Week 2: Image formation process, rigid body motion, point-wise image operations, homework1.pdf, image1.bmp
(image_formation.pdf, binary_image_analysis.pdf)
Week 3: Binary image analysis, Image filtering, (binary-image-analysis-2.pdf, filtering.pdf)
Week 4: Image filtering, edge detection ( edge-detection.pdf, homework2.pdf, due March 3rd)
Week 5: Fourier Analysis, Color ( fourier analysis.pdf, color.pdf), homework3.pdf, due March 24th or 17th), sequence.zip)
Week 5: Line Fitting, Image Correspondence ( lines_corners.pdf, correspondences.pdf)
Week 6: Stereo, Matching, Correspondence Cont. ( stereo.pdf)
Week 7-8: Segmentation ( segmentation.pdf)
Week 8-9: Segmentation, Template Matching, Tracking
( segmentation-part2.pdf, template-matching.pdf ), homework4.pdf, due April 14th, sequence.zip
Take home exam (.pdf), (due April 12th)
Week 10-11: Calibration and Uncalibrated Structure and Motion recovery ( uncalibrated.pdf)

Sample Solutions
hw2.m, lady.gif

Tutorials, Data, Code
Sample sequences (coutesy of http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cil/vision.html , tsukuba university)
Quick introduction to Matlab
Fundamentals of Image Processing (.pdf)
Tracker , Harris Corner Detector

Stereo pairs

Other Resources

 Matlab Primer (use online help or help "function name", when in trouble)
 Computer Vision Compendium
 Optical Illusions